Thanks to modern Internet technology, online pharmacies have given senior citizens and other consumers having problems with the increasing cost of prescription drugs a more convenient solution with their predicament. Web-based discount prescription drugs pharmacy offer almost every prescription medicines available in the market at marked-down prices. It offers consumers huge amounts of savings not only from the discounted prices, but also from doctors consultation fees. The best part of using an Internet discount pharmacy is that you do not have to leave the comfort of your home just to buy your prescriptions. You can place your order on the online drugstores order form and just wait for your medications to be delivered straight to your doorstep.
Then there are some who choose to cross the border and buy their prescription drugs from other countries like Canada or Mexico. These countries sell premium prescription medications at relatively cheaper prices compared to drugstores within the United States. According to a recent price comparison study, prescription drugs were roughly sixty-four percent cheaper in Canada and Mexico than inside the US.
But with recent concerns of drug counterfeiting, people are starting to become skeptical about cheap prescription medicines. This skepticism is for good reason, for there have been reported cases of people receiving fake medications from online drugstores and foreign-based pharmacies. Here are some of the potential risks you expose yourself when buying medications from a discount prescription drug pharmacy:
Knock-off prescription drugs.
If you have unfortunately placed an order in an illegitimate website, there is a possibility that yo’ull receive a cheap imitation of the prescription medication that you’re buying.
Incorrect medication dosage.
If you don’t pay close attention to the packaging of the prescription drug you bought, you may not be able to notice if you’ve been sold something with a higher or lower dosage than what you ordered.
Undesirable drug interaction.
Counterfeit prescription drugs may contain hidden ingredients or components that may start a potentially fatal drug interaction or trigger a serious allergic reaction.
It is but understandable that people who have problems making their budgets fit would immediately jump to discount offers such as the ones advertised on Internet drugstores or abroad, but it also important to keep ones health and safety in mind. Sure these marked-down prescriptions may help you save on medication expenses, but if you end up having an undesirable drug interaction after using a cheap knock-off prescription, you’ll end up spending more on hospitalization bills. So before you decide to go out and look for cheaper alternatives to obtain your prescription drugs, think it over. Are you ready to trade your health and safety over cheap medicines?
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